Saturday, January 3, 2015

JUNE 12  2015
Welcome to the Lifeline, 
"Fight for Your Life", Funding-Campaign.

The Symbol Is My Version  That Represents the Legendary Phoenix

It Is Also A 
10-2-1 "Kill Cancer", Campaign,

If you don't order a T-Shirt or a Print
You can give 5O Dollars that will
Support The Invention Design Book
And the HELSAR Proposed Corporation

As A Loan and be Repaid 500 Dollars !
Here is How !
To My Friends

Look My friend you don't have to do 
a lot of reading, but where else
can you get 500 for 50 and get a 
great product to ?

If you are here to make a contribution,
and don't want to jibber-jabber, or
partake in the support of an IPO,
Then just go to; 
and place an order or make a contribution.
We Will Both Be Thanking Each Other.
I am on a life expectancy hospice situation here,
I want to see my Girlfriend here, we have known each 

other 8 yrs, but never met, except for video. 
She does not know yet my condition but has a pretty
good idea and loves 
America and wants 
to Come here. I want to bring her and her son.
Later If I can I will sell business and bring rest of 8 
family members, Be my friend I will repay 10-2-1. along 
lines as stated here in 

I decided to sell everything at 50 dollars, shirts, prints,
the book and lender notes.
Everyone get the item you want and be earmarked for the 500 dollar 
Lender bonus.
Long and short of it, you contribute 50 dollars
you get back 500 that's it.

Read all you want in 4 blogs, cut to the chase

go to buy something with your
50 dollars,  you have signed your self up

to not only receive a product but a heavy bonus.
Every 50 dollar contribution will be rewarded
500 at maturity when bonus is paid.

Long and short I am selling a million dollars
worth of HELSAR assets to pay the bills.

Its better to try to live on a while. and get this thing done.
you will receive a lenders note collateral certificate with the 500 dollar
face value printed on it with my signature, you can present to
executives of the HELSAR Estate.

Hello, I'm Joe Poole, Be sure to send me an email
Just to tell me your out there and you have an interest 
but would like to say or ask something. Read on 
I need your contribution regardless of what you decide,
It can make all the difference in the world, to people 
who want a little more out of life.
I am dying of Cancer and want my finance to come here to the U.S.
Your it Bucko my life line,
So remember you purchase one item for 50 you will be rewarded 
with 500, and get 
registered at the same time.
Again at that time you don't need to send money, ask a question or
tell me what you want to do, if you want to send, . .
Send a check or use the Paypal
 You can Donate any amount above fifty for a 10-2-1 Return
That means if you donate 50 dollars your return is 500 dollars,
At Redemption Maturity.
(A Time When The "Lender Note" is Cash Negotiable)
Below From: ( )
"Angels typically invest their own funds, unlike venture capitalists who manage the pooled money of others in 
a professionally-managed fund. Although typically reflecting the investment judgment of an individual, the actual 
entity that provides the funding may be a trust, business, limited liability companyinvestment fund, or other 
vehicle. A Harvard report provides evidence that angel-funded startup companies have historically been less 
likely to fail than companies that rely on other forms of initial financing."

So, . . If you like interesting reading and business
you scored a landing when you came here,
I am talking about you and others here
Becoming the Angel Investors
I am talking about this blog and the places
It will take you to, via the links to my other informative blogs.
Actually, You are here because I need the money,
One of my friends told me that it looks to good to be true.
Let me explain this, I am Appealing  to you to Contribute,
If you would prefer a piece of art work
buy a print, poster or T-Shirt for 50 dollars,
it might take a while to fill your order,
but after all this is a funding site, and I'm here to
ask from you by this appeal
So if you understand that there are millions
of dollars in technologies involved her  but I have run out of time.
So in order to gain back some time,"Cut To The Chase"
So To Speak I can afford to pay back the price because I will simply
share a million dollars with my lenders,
I need 500 lenders to accomplish this.

Crowd funding has broken the monopoly that venture capital has
had on entrepreneurial financing.
Here's how it works, Asset Development © June 14 2015
I will sell, i.e., "To put forward for Consideration"
proposed assets, e.g., ( Intellectual Properties ), I have chosen to a newly formed
corporation that will be formed with your contributions.
These I.P. Assets, ( Intellectual Properties ), tentatively will be valued at
1 million dollars to be developed by the Supervision of the Corporation, that
means in this blog and others, there are technologies that are potential
leaders, and are worth development. Take for example: the HELSAR
"Chopper Bungee", ( ), it is a
technology that is in favor of development. In appearance it solves a problem
in efficiency and confidently adds a measure of safety to the Rescue-Mission.
When you go to the HELSAR  Blog above you will see that,
It is not a "Bungee" at all, that is Just a commercial name.
It also integrates itself into a refueling concept.That is how speculations
become futures, they are referred to as a properties having a, "Financial Future"
When these technologies being developed are on solid ground,
 eventually and optimistically become a,"Future", and
become negotiable,the Investors will begin to buy these Negotiable Notes,
hopefully they will purchase all of them which ads up to 1 million dollars,

has been obtained, it is the working capital and would become,
"the point of Maturity", WHY? Because,they have paid for the assets inside the company.
And now since they belong to the investors what ever thay pay in above the cost,
will develop the asset to make it a more substantial and profitable one.
there is enough capital, to pay back the you the funders, and to, "Start-Up",
the Company Corporation, There is enough money to keep both ends of the ship level
I pay back to you 200,000,  I already have your 20,000 by contributing 50 dollars as the various contributions which
were your donations, In other words you contributed 20,000, the figure
I needed to raise the corporate flag, and to provide me with my immediate needs
 and in return, you will get 10-2-1, . .(200,000), the figure
you were promised.
The one thing is, "trust", in Corporate financing this is usually, solved by,
due diligence, i.e.,

"reasonable steps taken by a person in order to satisfy a legal requirement, 

especially in buying or selling something, . . . 
a comprehensive appraisal of a 
business undertaken by a prospective buyer, especially to establish its
assets and liabilities and evaluate its commercial potential"

and we may observe an, "underwriting"
In this case, first the definition per Investopedia

DEFINITION of 'Underwriting'

1. The process by which investment bankers raise investment capital from investors on behalf of corporations and governments that are issuing securities (both equity and debt).

2. The process of issuing insurance policies.


The word "underwriter" is said to have come from the practice of having each risk-taker write his or her name under the total amount of risk that he or she was willing to accept at a specified premium. In a way, this is still true today, as new issues are usually brought to market by an underwriting syndicate in which each firm takes the responsibility (and risk) of selling its specific allotment.

Where do stocks get their beginning?
The proverbial longest journey starts with the smallest step, and so let's begin there, right at the beginning. A stock gets its start from the IPO, or initial public offering. At this time you are not concerned with investing, first you are a lender making loan contributions. Secondly The corporation does not yet exist
Simply, IPOs are the way in which privately held companies sell shares of their stock to the public for listing on an exchange. This process or event is what's known as "going public." While there are a good number of reasons why this is done, by far the most common one is to raise capital for the company's 
coffers. This is done by using the assets to create helicopter equipment advantages that are of interest to the Emergency  Response  Industry,whether they are government or Privateb Industry Related.
Basically, IPOs can be divided into two categories: those that are self-underwritten, that is, where the company itself markets its securities without the assistance of an investment bank, and those that are underwritten by an investment bank or a group of investment banks, also known as a syndicate.

So, . . . where are the Assets worth 1 million dollars ?
They will be filed into the Treasury of the newly formed Corporation.
At his time.,  You will observe these as you browse the blogs.
They may or may not jump out at you.
They are comprised of, "technical advantages", compared to
existing technologies, and speculated from
Helicopter Equipment Technologies, Graphic Art, Vision Computer
Products, and The Design and Invention Book, and of course the Laws
that preserve and protect them. Having Multiple Asset Resources, Lowers risk,
" It thickens the Ice To the Other Side of the Pond"
You are exposed to Risk, but not near the Risk that a Corporate
Accredited Investor is, You are a Lender, Not an Investor.
In the case I am called upon to write in an underwritng, I'd have 
begun with the following;

The Underwriting of HELSAR Asset 
 Development Capital Fund

The Next Generation Helicopter 
when it comes to; an air ambulance.

I have previously stated that an increase in use 
and demand will prove that changes created by 
these data's, "increase demands", will eventually necessitate 
an observation where a need for Research and Development 
will be the next step, concerning, the opening of doors 
that provide for the description of improvements, where 
and when they are needed.

One of the more obvious necessities that is missing
from the air-ambulance SAR capability is realized
by the absence of Helicopter landing opportunities.
This is evident when a victim needs to be air lifted, 
(from a disaster location such as the Amtrak Train 
Derailment), but he must be carried up to the air-
ambulance by rescue line and rescuer. This procedure 
can be supported by the new, "air-lift", technology.

This, "technology", allows for a rescue, "stretcher",
to be lowered to victim and retrieved, the same way, 
as seen in the, "Ocean Rescue", video, on the

It is also a technology than can be demonstrated to 
be one that is inter-related with Emergency Response
re-fueling efforts, that are not mid-air refueling.
Mid-air refueling is difficult when weather 
conditions impair the deployment operation.
Although I think it to be a bit extreme to replace
mid-air refueling, but in lieu of the, "Perfect Storm"

scenario, Preparedness may have some leverage. The technology 
being mechanical is in existence but does not address the 
needs for avionics, i.e., "the science and technology 
of the development and use of electrical and electronic devices in aviation",
therefore, the dynamics can be demonstrated to function within the range
of specified mechanical elements, i.e.,"The USPTO defines patentable subject 
matter as any "new and useful" process, machine, manufacture or composition 
of matter".
Basically, that makes us a little guy going to the big Casino witb a nickel 
to put in the slot machine. Our biggest Hope is to win small and 
keep winning until it gets large, e.g., large enough to give us some leverage,
"cross your fingers, Knock on wood and let it ride. The chances are
good when you have an essential technology that saves lives, and is one that no
one else has. See the little video at the 

So, Remember Me, I am the Design Artist who is not faring to well in the
Battle against Cancer. I had this project headed for the front burner,
except I wasn't suppose to be fighting Cancer.I was suppose to be
defending HELSAR from my competitors. So, First Things First,
If  your ready send me an email and tell me what you want to do,
or Send me 10, . 25, . 50, .or any amount you wish.
Don' send anything just send a message or a question.''

When 20,000 is met the 10-2-1,
is over. and we now wait the maturity, this will be accounted and displayed to the
"Lenders", who will be notified of the account status in which they have recordings in,
the first email they send will be replied to and an account number is assigned to it.

My job has been to develop Helicopter Search and Rescue
Emergency Response Equipment Technologies,
to keep these and others assets viable, in this case, in support of the,
Asset developments within the Proposed HELSAR corporation,
These technologies will save lives. the newly developing ER refueling
is the only known tech of its kind serving the rescue mission,
for example, "At Sea", and at this time, that will get around refueling
disasters such as were seen in the perfect storm.
O the other hand I am now writing and compiling, the
Illustration Book of Design and Invention, a description of HELSAR is
Linked to this blog and I have been
doing this and more, Since, before I was diagnosed with Cancer.
It may be decided that if there is a fair chance at refueling in mid -air
fine, go for it. if not, go the other way.
OK, It'll be great if the mid-air re-fueling craft can  adapt to a
tank delivery that our ship is ready for.

So, . . .  Please, . . Your Help, will be appreciated.
"The love you get is equal to the love you give."
There's something for every one and of course there is repayment for
your much needed contribution. Stick around, don't run off,
Feel free to contact me, Joe Poole, ><,
Talk to me, tell me whats on your mind, ask me questions
regarding, any and all subjects and topics including, investments
and or "profit-sharing", what's in it for you as well as me.
Browse all the blogs via links,  At this time my main interest,
in raising capital is the 10-2-1 Return, Like I said, . send me an email
after that, we're one for the money. I have Cancer, . .  my finance' is
in the Philippines,we've been through thick and thin, . . When she saw
my condition on Skype-Video, she began to cry. I want to bring her

I may not live to ever see her in person. but the more money I raise the
better the chances are that I will see her. The economy is poor there and
there are many children there in her family, her daughters go abroad to secure
employment, to feed the hungry mouths back home.
If you are a contributor, when you put money down on a 10-2-1,
I will send you a receipt for the amount of the "Lenders-Note",
that way even if I die you will have a 10-2-1 claim on the HELSAR I.P's.,
or for that matter any other I.P.'s you come across in the blogs until your 10-2-1
claim is satisfied.

I created this funding campaign, believe it or not with 
you in mind. I need you to believe in me, I already
believe in you.

Many of my fiends will contribute but I'd 
like it very much if you will need me as much as I need 
So, when creating it, my aim is to make your contribution
  profitable, that way I can "Stay on the, aim". 

So decide what you 
want to do, and do it by sending me that first email, because in 
all the links available, if you can't find anything that is
worthy to lend , then, you really need to send me that email !
Or, either just trust me and send me some badly needed money 
because your a real nice person or don't send anything at all for what 
ever reason your happy with, that's your biz. In any case, profitable
pay-back, remains the key word and I will do my best to make it good. 
See the helicopter technologies that establish the futures we are banking on here;



This will make a great gift for adults as well 
as children. As you scroll, read, and surf the blog and the
links, you will find, therein.
 T-Shirts, Prints and Asset Development Start-Ups, 
If you'd like to know what you can get for your contribution,
ask me, lets talk, I am willing to do my best to make you a happy customer.

I want to have my fiance, come here to the USA to help me and assist in 
being my care giver,  so I can resume the job of management to take care of the
family, kids, and you. I will be available to discuss  Public Offerings and Profit 
Sharing created from Corporate Asset Development. When for any reason 
 I'm not, . . The executive(s), of my will, estate, etc., 
 will manage email communications.
If you want to treat your communications to me as a, 
"Lets Make A Deal" Venture offer, I'm good with that.
I honestly believe that there is at least a million dollars in negotiable 

Assets that can be developed into viable and cash worthy Intellectual Properties, 
and can be discussed for Profit, some of this money and or negotiable's
can be passing through your hands. If you want to talk collateral, or profit
bearing notes or shares, fantastic.  
If you are not sure of that, ask someone who you trust.
Go over your interest with that person, Then send me your questions, 
opinions and so on, but please remember this is a funding campaign,
our contributions if not purchases are paid at maturity.

It all begins with your email to me, unless you 
Want to give anonymously, etc.
Give What You Can, You Will Make a Lot of People Happy.
That doesn't cost anything.
Don't worry about dumb questions, 
I already have the first prize for that.
Check Out the Blog Links See Who I am
What I've Done and Where We Can Go

I want to Raise 20,000, a picture of that 
is something like $50 x 400 so that's a lot of territory,
but not impossible, especially with a 10-2-1, pay back

so, . .  this page here including our 
communications, i.e. will be our 
Home Base, . .  here you are my Hope
And My Life Line ! 
Like the Lifeline would be to a victim who is depending on it.
See (Next Generation Helicopters)
Your Contribution in any amount will be greatly appreciated.
If you can not do that please keep me in mind and possibly prayer,

That will also be appreciated.
Please see wholesalers as in art prints and posters below.

      SAME GUY ?        


     YEP !                

Push That Button
For Me Mano !

Like I was saying stick around, don't run off.
We can make this blog a wishing well that can work
both ways
You want to live free, you don't want the political 
machine to have the helicopter business that they are 
patiently waiting for, with their DOD contractor friends.
To tell you how successful they are at bringing you jobs.
When and what they are really doing is fluffing their nests.

The rest is all about what you have read above.
So, best to you and Keep-On Keepin-On 
Brother Man.
So, here we go, . . 
I'm in need of negotiating some prospects
I'm looking for a way to liquidate,
or otherwise collateralize properties
of value to negotiate a financial future.
This is especially true since, 
I am now in the mist 
of a four year fight with Cancer behind me and an 
ongoing medical involvement in front of me.
Please look through my works,
accumulated over a life time,
Contribute, Donate or
Do an Angel Capital Investment Deal.

 By and with the, "Amazing Grace", of God
I will be glad to see these opportunities
go both ways.
You will find some interesting reading especially
in Next Generation Helicopters

(see) "profit and loss"
and also assets in litigation below, 
intended to give the reader an idea of
how predicaments occur, and a sense of

the situation as it lies ahead. And how it is turned
around from the Loss Column to The Profit Column.

I've Sort of gone Public but with the intention to
Clear the Air.

I believe that it is a good time

for rising up to the occasion 
to level the playing field and to enterprise 
Vision and HELSAR as Viable Prospective Investments.

I Can Do This With A Little
Help From My Friends.
I appreciate any help you can give,
my hospitalization,(Cooper Cancer Center, Camden) 

will put me out of business for a while,
Up until the cancer event my plans were to finance in
the usual ways. For the last eight years,
I have an eight member family plus, in the
Philippines who I care for, and they are dependent on me.
I planned on setting up a trust for them.
Our futures look a little glim now,

UPDATE: 041415

I was operated on yesterday, over 5 hrs.
I got the not so good news,
they could not get it all, sorry to say

the cancer migrated and it was not possible.
to get it all, leaving me in limbo for the time being, 
so that's that,

UPDATE :O52715

We're talking another surgery

I'm not sure whats going to happen to HELSAR
but I like to give my little kids a little something.
I have 4 things on my mind, my extended families 
in the Philippines, keeping the pain under control 
and finding someone to take over HELSAR.
Changing it from a sole proprietorship to a Corporation.
And of course making this all worth your while,
as well as for mine.

Things are getting tuffer for us in America,
and their not any easier in the 3rd world either,
and is why, I am seeking Angel Capital
using a crowd funding format. Funding will
allow me to find and or get me to, asset management
professionals and investors, and get me some lawyers

to write my will and try to keep the mob from
getting their hooks into a, "the fix is in"
contracting havens that bleach freedom out of its lifeblood,
and into a large crack that they can later say you or I
fell through, 
So if you can Help me out a little bit
buy a HELSAR T-Shirt,
or just make a contribution, and get a return of 10-2-1. 

stay in touch, stay in the profit sharing loop.
Don't Keep our little wishing well a secret.
Please Spread it around a little.

Thank You For Dropping By

Photos of a few of my kids there.

First Day of School for this Little Guy

                                                                After School Swimming Hole,                                                  
Ahhh, . . That's Better


I pray that I will have time to bring them here to the U.S.
That I won't let them down in the things like,
Food, Shelter and Clothing, for School and
and Play.

Here is a way to give.
Purchase a T-Shirt from this site
You Tell Me Exactly What You Want
I'll reply to any and all request and that will

include any customization's you may request.

Orders will be complete at earliest.
up to 2 months.

HELSAR  Phoenix Emblem

Drop me an email tell me what you want
Please  write your order like this.
Tell me the color of shirt: Black or White
Tell me your size: S-M-L-XL
Tell me the color of the Emblem : Red or Turquoise 
T - Shirts : $50

If you want a CHOPPER-BUNGEE-T

Just say so  

Regardless of which you choose you will not only be helping me

but you will also be supporting Search and Rescue and 
Emergency Response.

It's really Funny One friend asked Me about the Chopper Bungee
What's This, 
A guy jumping out of a Helicopter attached to a "Bungee" Cord ? 
Little did he know, that the first Conception actually 
was developed from that Idea. 

Actual Product Orders will need to be paid.
Others please make a contribution inquiries.
Email To Place An Order:

To use your credit card or bank account;
Click  Donate Go to Bottom of Page.

This Rest of these Blogs
Concerns The Business of 

Asset - Development
and or Profit Sharing
Derived from Angel Capital.
Including  the option of
The Sale of the Startup Companies
(HELSAR or Vision)
If interested  Let me know.

Please Email  for Questions Concerning
All Other Business Options

and Terms
Angel Capital Business Deals
Talk to me !  Talk to me !  Talk to me ! 

That is how were gonna create a Win ! Win !

Another thing !
Contributions will support the
Printing and Authentication of the Art Work
It will then be posted for sale. or sent to you as a 
product you purchased.
Wallenpaupak can be done as a print or Poster.
Posters or Prints can be had at this time for around $50
There will also be choices of Renditions and sizes 

available for around $100.
Wholesale prices can earn you a profit, i.e. ,
Prints and Posters available at 50% selling price.
Please email me your request.

Rendition Created From An Original       
Type of Work: Visual Material
Registration Number / Date: VAu000200947 / 1991-02-05
Title: Eye feast.
Description: Acrylic painting.
Notes: Add. ti.: Making a splash.
Copyright Claimant: Joe A. Poole, Jr., 1946-
Date of Creation: 1991
Other Title: Making a splash

Names: Poole, Joe A., Jr.

   The subject of the art work

                       Print and Poster Art


Original with Copyright Symbol  

Original with Logo Script

The authentication will be the first thing a buyer wants to  know about.


Von: Finch, P
Gesendet: Dienstag, 25. März 2014 11:46
Cc: Pitthard Vaclav; Schreve, Danielle
Wichtigkeit: Niedrig

Dear Mr Poole,
Thank you for your enquiry about dating paint. I have contacted my colleague Dr
Pitthard who now works in Vienna and am awaiting a reply. I presume that the paint
("latex") is what I would know as emulsion i.e.
water-based and suspect that dating such might be difficult. I believe that there
are databases of pyrolysis gas chromatograms of vehicle paints kept for forensic
purposes but the data for emulsions is probably more fragmentary. Certainly there
are studies of acrylics and such by pyroly

Donations and Contributions
will go toward the date authentication
of the Original Painting
Reproduction of Art Works 


Purchase a T-Shirt from this site
You Tell Me Exactly What You Want
See Combinations 
Orders will be complete at earliest.
up to 2 months.
T's are $50 

Drop me an email tell me what you want
Please  write your order like this.
If you use an email you do not have to pay until we reply order received.

size>med         shirt black           turquoise emblem     pocket area  )

Size                 Shirt Color         Emblem Color      Emblem Location

Just remember these 4 specifications
Color       Size    Emblem     Print Location

To use your credit card or bank account;
Click  Donate Go to Bottom of Page.
This Rest of these Blogs
Concerns The Business of 

Asset - Development and or 
Profit Sharing Derived from 
Angel Capital
Please Email Questions Concerning
All Other Business Options

and Terms
Angel Capital Business Deals

Start-Up Companies


The incorporating of financial products will continue as our communications capabilities improve.
I think that it is safe to say that vision has a useful product that the world needs now.
The proprietaries are patentable items like the "Stand Plate" the part that makes the
assembly portable. Although it is heavy and may weigh in the area of 30 lbs.
It will be coated with a soft vinyl cover, and have a handle carry the user will
want to take it along for a quick set up anywhere he goes.
If your anything like me you will be sitting, standing and moving around while
your PC is right there where you want it, The work horse pulling the plow with the reins in your hand. I already know I want one. I am at a computer, constantly.
The Vision Computer accessories enterprise is a good number to put  money on,
as long as the company can secure the Intellectual Property Rights.
That's where the funds go to create your return.


The funds are used to file and maintain patents what you see here needs to
be recorded so that Vision can keep its place in the product world.
This capital is start-up capital sometimes called Angel Capital.
After this round of funding the prototypes will be produced and
so that the product can be ready for ordering and purchasing.

                                          Computer Accessories

The assemblage includes, optional iron plate base and rubber gel emplacements that secure
the PC to the table cradle, and  allows type or model of machine's peripheral features to
function. Installs with Stand Plate in or out-of-doors.   

Vision Computer Business


The VISION Tilt-Table Model will be manufactured so that the screen is adjustable by
the suspended support carriage at custom angles and can move depending on the angle
either up and down or back and forth. Next time you use your portable, think about using
this feature, you'll see the advantages at different projects whether reading,writing or
drawing. Forget the stuff you see on TV, designed to snow a future market, you need
only remember the, "Vision" Name representing a computer product company, and that
is already being snowed.The Leader will emerge as the leader and the Bullshter will
emerge as the Bullshtter, is pretty much what I have learned.


Vision Light

                  Have you ever opened your laptop in bed or in a dimly lit room ? 
                           If you have you'll get the idea of how useful one of these are.
Your LOGO on the GoGo !

       Your clients can go right to your site from your biz card      Just swipe it
     Into a Swipe Gadget.  

The following Invention Technology Concept
Has Not Been Searched

Posted at 8:00 AM 3/13/2015,
Last Post,11:35AM 3/14/15

Invention Disclosure and Claim for the Invention Entitled:
Computer External Drive Program
Invention Conceived by J.A.Poole,Jr.
031315 Copyrights All Rights Reserved
11:19 AM 3/14/2015

Intended Trade Name Vision's KeyCard, also ,CardKey

What I claim as my invention is an external USB device
that is as an electronic reader and can read data
from, " another device", that is manually associated to it,
For example, the same way a credit card would be manually
associated with the electronic data reading process,
for example the other device can be
used as a business card, similar to a credit card,
that serves as an individual business advertisement
while at the same time allows the user to access a
website, it has been programmed to access.
Thereby a manufacturer of such a card and reader
would serve the business of commerce and trade
with a means of individual business identity and advertisement.
It is capable of this function much the same way a
credit card reader functions etc., an alternative method
would be a sound or light sensor and reader, etc.

Contact Joe Poole

To see my work record for last
25 yrs. see these  blogs;

Next Generation Helicopters
Book In Progress
Invention and Design Illustrations


Vision Product
The use of a cotton hand cover
would be used as a cleaning tool

for the computer, this would
be complimentary to a
pocket sized refillable push button

mistifier,where as water can be used 
to spray on cotton hand cover
when cleaning the computer 


Design Book for;

Posted ;
11:10 AM 3/15/2015
Disclosure of  
Design In Development
Copyright In Progress

Prefabricated Room Pieces
to place in Ground as Cellar
and Room Above, Installed
after Excavation, the assembled
Cellar Piece is Lowered on to a
deflatible air bag contained inside
the excavation. Then the top

room parts are delivered, assembled
 and a Politan Home is now part

of your Landscape RealEstate